Sunday, May 1, 2011

Her Empty Chair

I am not a big 'air all your dirty laundry online' girl. My Facebook posts are usually short and sweet. And although I share plenty here on my blog, none of it is too deep. However this series is so personal to me, that I almost hesitate to share it. But I am so in love with the images that came out of it that I want to share them and the images almost beg the question "What's the story behind this?" So I guess I'll bare everything and tell all.
 A long time friend of mine died last month and we had to travel to California for the funeral. I painted and took this chair with me. I took pictures with it along the way. At first taking the images wasn't really the main idea. I just needed a way to express my grief. I needed something physical to focus on. I dragged this red chair around as if to say to her "Wish you were here, I saved you a seat." 
I made my poor traveling companions pull over on the I-15, pull that chair out of the trunk and set it up on the side of the road more than a few times. The beach was our final destination before we started the drive back and I had planned to take the chair home with me. But once I was there on that beach I felt such peace. So I left that red chair right on the beach. I left all my burdens right at the edge of the water and said goodbye to my friend. 
'The Beach'

'The Field'

'The Street'

'The Trees'

'The Water'

1 comment:

  1. A long time friend of mine died last month and we had to travel to California for the funeral.
