Wednesday, February 25, 2009

True Vegas Style Wedding!

Scott and Beth's wedding was so much fun! It was a true 50's style Vegas cocktail party. The night before the wedding Beth talked her super hot girlfriends into going downtown to run around in their heels so that I could take pictures of them. Thanks girls! The wedding was at the Sahara Hotel in a very vintage penthouse suite. It was all very casual and relaxed. Thanks so much Scott & Beth for letting me be a part of your awesome party! Here's a few of my favorite images. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the little peak and tease! So far they look great. I like the shot of Beth's shoes-they were so classy. The smoking shot is so funny to me since I can't pretend to know how to hold a cigarette let alone look sexy doing so. Beth looks beautiful!-Alicia
